
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Works vs. Fruits

"Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies and things like these...But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control"
Galatians 5:19-23

Reading verses 19-21 makes me highly uncomfortable. Seeing those sins in print like that reminds me of my sin and who I am without Jesus and I cringe. Whenever I read this passage I casually skip all the bad stuff and move straight to the fruits of the Spirit; but as I glance back at the descriptions of the works of the flesh, I pause and reluctantly re-read.

The term works of the flesh lends, to me, a visual of myself actively working, in my own effort (whether I realize it or not), to create in myself certain characteristics. Jealousy, envy, idolatry, anger. I am able to do so, to cultivate these works of the flesh, because I'm trying to. I'm getting the flesh-workings because I'm seeking the flesh-workings.

I read verses 22-23 and I'm still uncomfortable. What great things to aspire to - now how many am I lacking? Do I need to have all of these fruits? How do I make myself more patient? Or gentle? Or good? And how is "self-control" defined? Cue the deep breaths.

It's in these moments of "are-you-asking-me-to-be-perfect-God-because-I-can't" that He gently pats me on the head and reminds me that if I have the faith, I have salvation. Hallelujah
And as we seek His word and truth, He shows us beautiful things that we may have missed before.

Like that the fruits of the Spirit are called fruits of the Spirit. We are not actively seeking the thing, the characteristic, the well-rounded Christian; we're actively seeking the Spirit. And as we do, He fills us with Himself and grows things within us. He grows fruit that is good and of Him. It's a natural creation of beauty that is inevitable, like oranges growing from an orange tree.

My child, He says. You can't be loving and joyful and peaceful without me. I've given you the Spirit to do that for you. He will make you patient and gentle and faithful and good and kind. I will make you new - you need only to have faith in that. Abandon your expectations of who you should or shouldn't be and turn your face to Me.

God knows us fully and He provides a harvest. Praise Him

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